Present / Presennol:
Gus Payne, Anne-Marie Carpenter, Lisa Powell, Edwyn Parry, Russell Shurmer, Kate Strudwick.
Apologies / Ymddiheuriadau:Jamie Bevan, Iwan England, Viv Pugh, Lis McLean, Rhian Prosser, Gavin Lewis, Karen Dusgate, Craig Pierce, Tony Rogers.
1. Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion diweddaraf:No amendments to be made apart from Russell’s name spelt incorrectly.
2. Current progress / Symudiad heddiw:GP confirmed that both GL and CP had seen proposed costings suggested last meeting and agreed they were realistic, though much will depend on materials used, work spec and artists used, resulting in a possible higher cost. The group could prepare a proposal with a fixed budget for artists to work within.
Facebook and blogspot website are now up and running. LP took posters to a recent history event,
Project info should be taken to other events and related activities to encourage interest. LP suggested info-cards would be useful to hand out at such events.
There were many ideas tabled around development projects.
GP to draw up initial matrix. RS to review matrix for next meeting.
3. Partners / Partnerau:EP suggested adding Chris Parry, Rhiannon Jones and Huw Williams to the group’s email list to receive info on the project. Huw Lewis AM was also suggested but it was agreed to contact his office once we had more certainty about the project. GP also suggested Sara Rees at Sustrans.
AMC suggested making links with the Merthyr Learning Quarter.
4. Other developments / Datblygiadau eraill:AMC reported that IE is starting a brief to produce a TV programme on the Merthyr Rising, which should help raise awareness and build support for the memorial idea.
5. Deadline / Dyddiad cau:Even though Physical Regeneration have not given a specific deadline for site development, the group agreed to work to 2013 deadline for the art-work to be in situ, until greater detail is known. The final art-work to be launched on Dic Penderyn day in June 2014
6. Date of next meeting:
Monday, 7th November, 5pm, Soar.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf: Dydd Llun, 7fed o Dachwedd, 5pm, Soar.
Gus Payne, Anne-Marie Carpenter, Lisa Powell, Edwyn Parry, Russell Shurmer, Kate Strudwick.
Apologies / Ymddiheuriadau:Jamie Bevan, Iwan England, Viv Pugh, Lis McLean, Rhian Prosser, Gavin Lewis, Karen Dusgate, Craig Pierce, Tony Rogers.
1. Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion diweddaraf:No amendments to be made apart from Russell’s name spelt incorrectly.
2. Current progress / Symudiad heddiw:GP confirmed that both GL and CP had seen proposed costings suggested last meeting and agreed they were realistic, though much will depend on materials used, work spec and artists used, resulting in a possible higher cost. The group could prepare a proposal with a fixed budget for artists to work within.
Facebook and blogspot website are now up and running. LP took posters to a recent history event,
Project info should be taken to other events and related activities to encourage interest. LP suggested info-cards would be useful to hand out at such events.
There were many ideas tabled around development projects.
GP to draw up initial matrix. RS to review matrix for next meeting.
3. Partners / Partnerau:EP suggested adding Chris Parry, Rhiannon Jones and Huw Williams to the group’s email list to receive info on the project. Huw Lewis AM was also suggested but it was agreed to contact his office once we had more certainty about the project. GP also suggested Sara Rees at Sustrans.
AMC suggested making links with the Merthyr Learning Quarter.
4. Other developments / Datblygiadau eraill:AMC reported that IE is starting a brief to produce a TV programme on the Merthyr Rising, which should help raise awareness and build support for the memorial idea.
5. Deadline / Dyddiad cau:Even though Physical Regeneration have not given a specific deadline for site development, the group agreed to work to 2013 deadline for the art-work to be in situ, until greater detail is known. The final art-work to be launched on Dic Penderyn day in June 2014
6. Date of next meeting:
Monday, 7th November, 5pm, Soar.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf: Dydd Llun, 7fed o Dachwedd, 5pm, Soar.