
Cyfarfod / Meeting 10

Sylwer: Drafft yn unig yw'r cofnodion yma ac yn amodol ar gytundeb yn y cyfarfod nesaf.
Please note: These minutes are draft only and subject to agreement at the next meeting.

Civic Centre / Canolfan Ddinesig

Present / Presennol:
Gus Payne – Arts Development; MTCBC (GP),
Helen Kell – Physical Regeneration Officer; MTCBC (HK)
Greg Vaughn – Capita Symonds; Architects (GV)
Chris Coppock – Old Town Hall Manager (CC)
Alison Richards (AR)
Cllr Graham Davies – Heritage Champion: MTCBC (GD)
Ceinwen Statter (CS)
Russell Shurmer – Townscape Heritage Initiative; MTCBC (RS)
Viv Pugh – Dic Penderyn Society (VP)
Edwyn Parry (EP)
Lisa Powell (LP)

Apologies / Ymddiheuriadau:
Rhian Prosser – Town Centre Manager; MTCBC (RP)
Sion ap Glyn – Heritage Officer; Menter Iaith
Jamie Bevan
Huw Williams

Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion diweddaraf:
No amendments to be made.

Current progress / Symudiad heddiw
GV: began to update the group on the current Penderyn Square proposal plan.  AR at this point left the meeting due to potential conflict of interest as she intends to apply for the art-work contract. (Earlier drafts have already been present at public events and publications, however further discussions could compromise AR’s position).
GV: The plans showed a grassed area to the north where a future building will be placed. GV explained that this is acceptable as initial development for up to 5 years, by which time a building needs to replace the grassed area. The plan shows a small rectangle opposite the Old Town Hall, but this is only a guide to where a sculptural object could be placed.

The proposed artist intervention could include wider input than a stand alone object, with the flexibility to influence street furniture and paving etc, It was important for the art work to be included in the draft tender for the construction of Penderyn Square, particularly if it would impact on street furniture etc.

The plan also illustrated traffic lanes etc. There was some discussion about this but any wider concerns cannot be addressed through this group.

HK: The Penderyn Square project is going to tender in November and a draft idea of the artwork needs to be included with it:
  • 12th – 15th September: Community Engagement event; potential for artist to engage with community in development of draft design
  • Mid October: Draft Designs to be finalised
  • November: Draft Designs submitted with Penderyn Square Tender

There was some discussion about the artwork design:
CS expressed some preference for mosaic work or/and the use of technology.

GD expressed some preference for a sculptural object. He drew attention to the impact of figurative Soviet sculpture.

CC expressed his concern and warned of the danger of creating art by committee and supported the idea of the brief to allow a selection process where the artist is responsible for the artwork design.

GP clarified that the purpose of the brief was to identify what the artist
should be responding to (the 1831 Merthyr Rising and its historical context) and the location. The artwork design/response would then be the role of the artists to submit, with a selection process to decide which work is most suitable.

CC expressed concern that there could be potential issues if the Local Authority was not fully behind this project.  CS and GD concurred that this could also be an issue.  GP explained that members of the Heritage Forum had been invited and were aware of the project, and that local councillors had previously been involved with this project.  As this was the first meeting following the local elections, GP had invited two portfolio members and one had attended (GD).

HK confirmed that Rhian Prosser normally attended the meeting, who feeds the information back to the Town Centre Partnership.  She also confirmed that Gavin Lewis was aware of the project and information on the project was included in the reporting system to the Regeneration Steering Group.

A discussion was had on who should be asked to attend the meeting in future; it was agreed for GP to approach Cllr David Jones and ensure that he is supportive of the project and invited to future meetings.

The brief was agreed as being ready with only the addition of “technology” added to the list of materials. There was a lengthy discussion on the use of QR codes and websites. Communities 2.0 may offer funding for this; however this project could be done at a later date to the art work and could be considered a separate project.

GP clarified that the brief would be distributed in line with EU guidelines and MTCBC policy through Buy To Wales, and a number of artist databases including Axis, Ixia, Culture Colony and AN (Artists Newsletter), which is popular in Art Colleges (including Glamorgan and Atrium). CC pointed out that AN is still the most popular art magazine for students and recent graduates.

The selection process will also abide by EU standards and follow MTCBC policy, with Elected Member input and an exhibition/community consultation element.

Actions: GP: Brief to be updated to include the word “technology” with the list of potential materials.
GP (in consultation with HK and Gavin Lewis): Brief then to be distributed
HK and GP to draw up the artists’ selection process.

Additional funding / Arian pellach
GP: Arts Council of Wales funding does appear to be appropriate. However the timeline may be an issue, with ACW Capital Funding only being re-launched this month (August 2012) and their deadlines being too far into the future.

An option may be to use what money is available for Penderyn Square artwork in the first instance, then to apply to ACW for the later developments on the new College Plaza and Lower High Street, which should align to the town centre development’s timescale much more comfortably.

Action: GP and HK to consider the options more closely and contact ACW to clarify what may be acceptable for them.

Date of next meeting/Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf:  A date was agreed at the meeting; however this date has now been postponed. Please see below.

Follow up meeting:
On 14th August a follow up meeting was held to discuss Elected Member support for this project.
Present were: Cllr. David Jones (Cabinet Member and Portfolio for Technical and Environmental Services), Alyn Owen (Head of Regeneration), Gavin Lewis (Physical Regeneration Manager), Helen Kell (Physical Regeneration Officer) and Gus Payne (Arts Development Officer).
During the meeting it was agreed that Cllr David Jones would include the Public Art element (including a slightly amended brief, to include local school input) at a broader Cabinet meeting, to allow the process to continue within the available time-scale, with full cabinet support.
The next Merthyr Rising 1831 Memorial meeting will now be postponed until after the Cabinet Report has been made.


Cyfarfod / Meeting 9

Civic Centre / Canolfan Ddinesig

Present / Presennol:
Sion ap Glyn – Heritage Officer; Menter Iaith (SaG),
Huw Williams (HW),
Ceinwen Statter (CS) and
Gus Payne – Arts Development; MTCBC (GP),

Apologies / Ymddiheuriadau:
Russell Shurmer – Townscape Heritage Initiative; MTCBC (RS)
Rhian Prosser – Town Centre Manager; MTCBC (RP)

Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion diweddaraf:
No amendments to be made.

Current progress / Symudiad heddiw
GP: The Artist’s Brief has not yet been released because the Penderyn Square architects have asked for their comments to be considered (GP) is waiting for these comments. Also the Arts Council of Wales is about to launch its new Capital Strategy on 2nd July, which will include Public Art. GP has noted to contact the relevant officer after this date to discuss with ACW.

Action: GP to contact ACW in early July

Additional funding / Arian pellach
GP & RP to update at next meeting.
Artwork / Celfwaith
GP has circulated the Artist’s Brief via email, it has had no further comments or requested alterations (apart from as stated above)

Action: Architects to forward comments on the Artist’s Brief to GP.

HW; Joe England is forwarding a proposal for the new building on Penderyn Square to be a learning venue linking with Central Library.

CS; Feels that a mosaic integrating the new building with the exterior, surrounding buildings and public art would be a good proposal for the architects and artists to consider (suggested the work of Maria Parry Jones, Steve Samuel and Gareth Cavanagh, who has done interactive computer/film projects to engage children and young people).

The group also need confirmation that the Dic Penderyn Society will be happy as grant recipients for any participation project funding. GP has informally spoken to Viv Pugh who was happy with this suggestion but needed to consult the steering group to make any final decision.

New MTCBC Heritage Portfolio Member is Cllr. Graham Davies.

Actions: GP to contact and add the new Heritage and Arts Portfolio members to the contact list.
CS to forward Gareth Cavanagh contact details to GP.

There were also comments made about encouraging take-away shops on Pontmorlais to become “pavement cafes” and untidy looking lampposts in Castle Car Park. These issues are beyond the remit of this group but GP will pass on the comments to appropriate colleagues.

Date of next meeting:  5pm, 6th August 2012, Civic Centre.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf:  5yh, 6ed o Awst 2012, Canolfan Ddinesig.

Cyfarfod / Meeting 8

Caffe Cwtsh

Present / Presennol:
Huw Williams (HW),
Edwyn Parry (EP),
Lisa Powell (LP),
Russell Shurmer – Townscape Heritage Initiative MTCBC (RS) and
Gus Payne – Arts Development MTCBC (GP),

Apologies / Ymddiheuriadau:
Jamie Bevan (JB),
Gavin Lewis – Physical Regeneration MTCBC (GL),
Rhian Prosser – Town Centre Manager MTCBC (RP),
Karen Dusgate – Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association/Old Town Hall (KD),
Kate Strudwick – H4A/Head for Arts (KS) and
Lis McLean – Menter Iaith/Soar (LM).

Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion diweddaraf:
No amendments to be made.
RP and JB’s  actions from last meeting need to be carried forward for next meeting:
RP: Contact MTCBC Legal department to clarify what would need to be in place.
RP: Look at other funding possibilities via Heritage Trust and Cadw.
RP: Approach Roto-print to design a draft pop-up banner.
JB: Contact Viv Pugh at the Dic Penderyn Society to see whether they would be able and/or willing.
GP has spoken to both RP and JB and some progress has been made in these action areas. GP has also briefly spoken to Viv Pugh who was positive about the idea of the Dic Penderyn Society being the recipient body to hold money raised for the Merthyr Rising Memorial but he would need to consult with the group’s committee before agreeing.

Current progress / Symudiad heddiw
GP: Council has not yet approved the wider developments for the Castle Cinema site/Penderyn Square. Approval will now be delayed until after the May Council elections.

HW suggested getting the WEA involved in some way. other people suggested to add to the group were; Ceinwen Statter (Historical Society), Huw Lewis AM, Helen Hughes (Stephens and George Charitable Trust) and the Local Authority’s Arts and Heritage Champions after the elections (the current protfolio member for Arts is included but not the Heritage Champion).
Action: GP to add Ceinwen Statter, Huw Lewis, Helen Hughes and relavent portfolio members

RS: Townscape Heritage Initiative project could fund the cost of flyers to give out at events to raise awareness of the project.

LM popped into the meeting for a brief moment to ask if the new Heritage Officer, Sion ap Glyn could be added to the circulation list to attend future meetings. She also highlighted the fact that Caffe Cwtsh closes at 3.30pm. Future meetings will either need to be booked officially or take place during normal opening hours, due to limited staffing resources at Soar.
Action: GP to add Sion to the email list

Additional funding / Arian pellach
GP: RP has been looking at some possible additional funding options: RP to update at next meeting.
Artwork / Celfwaith
GP brought copies of the Artist brief for consideration. There were no major changes requested at the meeting.
Action: GP to circulate the Artist’s Brief with the next minutes for wider consideration before sending it out for Expressions of Interest, in consultation with GL.

Date of next meeting:  5pm, 11th June 2012, Civic Centre.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf:  5yh, 11eg o Fehefin 2012, Canolfan Ddinesig.


Cyfarfod / Meeting 7

Caffe Cwtsh

Present / Presennol:
Jamie Bevan (JB),
Gus Payne – Arts Development MTCBC (GP),
Rhian Prosser – Town Centre Manager MTCBC (RP),
Russell Shurmer – Townscape Heritage Initiative MTCBC (RS) and
Edwyn Parry (EP) 
Apologies / Ymddiheuriadau:
Gavin Lewis – Physical Regeneration MTCBC (GL),
Karen Dusgate – Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association/Old Town Hall (KD),
Kate Strudwick – H4A/Head for Arts (KS),
Lis McLean – Menter Iaith/Soar (LM),
Huw Williams (HW) and
Michelle Powell – Communities First (MP).
1. Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion diweddaraf:
No amendments to be made. 
2. Current progress / Symudiad heddiw
GP/RP: The decision on the old Castle Cinema site; Penderyn Square has not yet had design work copleted or been approved by Council, partly due to proposed amendments to the Old Town Hall development (a proposed disabled ramp at the front). Planning has rejected the proposal (though there may be an appeal). GL will be submitting the plans to council for Penderyn Square as soon as decisions on the new build progress. 
3. Additional funding / Arian pellach
JB: We need to also raise further funding to ensure that cost is not a barrier to creating an appropriate memorial, celebrating the people’s history of Merthyr.
The fund raising process will also help give the local community a real sense of ownership of the work.
Fund raising activity could include bucket collections at events and possibly a stall in the town centre.
A pop up banner would also be useful to take to events and for any future stall.
A list of all those who have donated could be put on a website and kept as a permanent record (if they agree).
RP: Any group collecting money will need to be constituted and have the correct legal requirements in place as a safeguard against accusations of dishonesty etc. An existing group who may be able and willing could be the Dic Penderyn Society.
RP: Contact MTCBC Legal department to clarify what would need to be in place.
RP: Look at other funding possibilities via Heritage Trust and Cadw.
RP: Approach Roto-print to design a draft pop-up banner.
JB: Contact Viv Pugh at the Dic Penderyn Society to see whether they would be able and/or willing.
4. Artwork / Celfwaith
The final amount of available funds will depend on fund-raising, therefore it was agreed to distribute a brief and invitation to potential artists to submit an Expression Of Interest.
The brief will include guidance on what the work needs to achieve (commemorating the Merthyr Rising, communicating to the local communities, being practical etc.) but won’t be specific in terms of content or materials.
GP: Bring the brief to the next meeting for agreement for it to be distributed
Date of next meeting:  5pm, 16th April 2012 at Caffe Cwtsh.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf:  5yh, 16eg o Ebrill 2012 yng Nghaffe Cwtsh. 


Cyfarfod / Meeting 6

Civic Centre / Canolfan Ddinesig

Present / Presennol: Jamie Bevan (JB),
Gus Payne – Arts Development MTCBC (GP),
Rhian Prosser – Town Centre Manager MTCBC (RP),
Russell Shurmer – Townscape Heritage Initiative MTCBC (RS) and
Michelle Powell – Communities First (MP).
Apologies / Ymddiheuriadau: Gavin Lewis – Physical Regeneration MTCBC (GL),
Karen Dusgate – Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association/Old Town Hall (KD),
Kate Strudwick – H4A/Head for Arts (KS),
Lis McLean – Menter Iaith/Soar (LM),
Edwyn Parry (EP) and
Huw Williams (HW).

1. Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion diweddaraf:
No amendments to be made.

2. Current progress / Symudiad heddiw
RP and RS reported that GL was meeting WEFO later today to clarify what restrictions and guidelines they may have on the procurement of art-work.
RP reported that the usual process to identify a public artist would include a scoring system that we could draw up. This would include cost, artistic merit and innovation, and could be weighted appropriately to ensure that the quality of the work was taken into account, rather than the cost alone. RP is able to put the brief on the Sell 2 Wales website when the time is right.
GP added that the overall process we are currently pursuing fits the HoV Public Art Strategy, where public art should be relevant to the surroundings and wherever possible be part of new developments from the start, rather than using public art as a last minute object to fill a space. Public art should also be used to help inform and engage the wider community.
A decision on the old Castle Cinema site should be approved by Council within 6-8 weeks. GP has met with GL who is very positive about the public art idea and would like the art-work to be a strong, bold statement for this area. GL is also eager to commit a larger budget to the project but is currently prevented from doing so due to other budget uncertainties. Once Council have agreed the wider proposals for the old Castle Cinema site, GL will then be able to commit a definite figure to the public art element. It was therefore decided by the group to wait until approval of the wider developments has been confirmed before releasing the brief to tender.
There should also be some limited funds available through the artist’s procurement for a community engagement element. It was agreed that any funding should be maximised to develop a larger engagement element. Potential funders for the community engagement element include: THI (Townscape Heritage Initiative), Arts Council of Wales and Communities First. (H4A) Head for Arts may also be interested in developing sessions linked to the project.

3. Date of next meeting:  5pm, 19th March 2012 at Caffe Cwtsh.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf:  5yh, 19eg o Fawrth 2012 yng Nghaffe Cwtsh.