Civic Centre / Canolfan Ddinesig
Present / Presennol: Jamie Bevan (JB),
Gus Payne – Arts Development MTCBC (GP),
Rhian Prosser – Town Centre Manager MTCBC (RP),
Russell Shurmer – Townscape Heritage Initiative MTCBC (RS) and
Michelle Powell – Communities First (MP).
Apologies / Ymddiheuriadau: Gavin Lewis – Physical Regeneration MTCBC (GL),
Karen Dusgate – Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association/Old Town Hall (KD),
Kate Strudwick – H4A/Head for Arts (KS),
Lis McLean – Menter Iaith/Soar (LM),
Edwyn Parry (EP) and
Huw Williams (HW).
Karen Dusgate – Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association/Old Town Hall (KD),
Kate Strudwick – H4A/Head for Arts (KS),
Lis McLean – Menter Iaith/Soar (LM),
Edwyn Parry (EP) and
Huw Williams (HW).
1. Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion diweddaraf:
No amendments to be made.
No amendments to be made.
2. Current progress / Symudiad heddiw
RP and RS reported that GL was meeting WEFO later today to clarify what restrictions and guidelines they may have on the procurement of art-work.
RP and RS reported that GL was meeting WEFO later today to clarify what restrictions and guidelines they may have on the procurement of art-work.
RP reported that the usual process to identify a public artist would include a scoring system that we could draw up. This would include cost, artistic merit and innovation, and could be weighted appropriately to ensure that the quality of the work was taken into account, rather than the cost alone. RP is able to put the brief on the Sell 2 Wales website when the time is right.
GP added that the overall process we are currently pursuing fits the HoV Public Art Strategy, where public art should be relevant to the surroundings and wherever possible be part of new developments from the start, rather than using public art as a last minute object to fill a space. Public art should also be used to help inform and engage the wider community.
A decision on the old Castle Cinema site should be approved by Council within 6-8 weeks. GP has met with GL who is very positive about the public art idea and would like the art-work to be a strong, bold statement for this area. GL is also eager to commit a larger budget to the project but is currently prevented from doing so due to other budget uncertainties. Once Council have agreed the wider proposals for the old Castle Cinema site, GL will then be able to commit a definite figure to the public art element. It was therefore decided by the group to wait until approval of the wider developments has been confirmed before releasing the brief to tender.
There should also be some limited funds available through the artist’s procurement for a community engagement element. It was agreed that any funding should be maximised to develop a larger engagement element. Potential funders for the community engagement element include: THI (Townscape Heritage Initiative), Arts Council of Wales and Communities First. (H4A) Head for Arts may also be interested in developing sessions linked to the project.
3. Date of next meeting: 5pm, 19th March 2012 at Caffe Cwtsh.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf: 5yh, 19eg o Fawrth 2012 yng Nghaffe Cwtsh.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf: 5yh, 19eg o Fawrth 2012 yng Nghaffe Cwtsh.