
Cyfarfod / Meeting 7

Caffe Cwtsh

Present / Presennol:
Jamie Bevan (JB),
Gus Payne – Arts Development MTCBC (GP),
Rhian Prosser – Town Centre Manager MTCBC (RP),
Russell Shurmer – Townscape Heritage Initiative MTCBC (RS) and
Edwyn Parry (EP) 
Apologies / Ymddiheuriadau:
Gavin Lewis – Physical Regeneration MTCBC (GL),
Karen Dusgate – Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association/Old Town Hall (KD),
Kate Strudwick – H4A/Head for Arts (KS),
Lis McLean – Menter Iaith/Soar (LM),
Huw Williams (HW) and
Michelle Powell – Communities First (MP).
1. Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion diweddaraf:
No amendments to be made. 
2. Current progress / Symudiad heddiw
GP/RP: The decision on the old Castle Cinema site; Penderyn Square has not yet had design work copleted or been approved by Council, partly due to proposed amendments to the Old Town Hall development (a proposed disabled ramp at the front). Planning has rejected the proposal (though there may be an appeal). GL will be submitting the plans to council for Penderyn Square as soon as decisions on the new build progress. 
3. Additional funding / Arian pellach
JB: We need to also raise further funding to ensure that cost is not a barrier to creating an appropriate memorial, celebrating the people’s history of Merthyr.
The fund raising process will also help give the local community a real sense of ownership of the work.
Fund raising activity could include bucket collections at events and possibly a stall in the town centre.
A pop up banner would also be useful to take to events and for any future stall.
A list of all those who have donated could be put on a website and kept as a permanent record (if they agree).
RP: Any group collecting money will need to be constituted and have the correct legal requirements in place as a safeguard against accusations of dishonesty etc. An existing group who may be able and willing could be the Dic Penderyn Society.
RP: Contact MTCBC Legal department to clarify what would need to be in place.
RP: Look at other funding possibilities via Heritage Trust and Cadw.
RP: Approach Roto-print to design a draft pop-up banner.
JB: Contact Viv Pugh at the Dic Penderyn Society to see whether they would be able and/or willing.
4. Artwork / Celfwaith
The final amount of available funds will depend on fund-raising, therefore it was agreed to distribute a brief and invitation to potential artists to submit an Expression Of Interest.
The brief will include guidance on what the work needs to achieve (commemorating the Merthyr Rising, communicating to the local communities, being practical etc.) but won’t be specific in terms of content or materials.
GP: Bring the brief to the next meeting for agreement for it to be distributed
Date of next meeting:  5pm, 16th April 2012 at Caffe Cwtsh.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf:  5yh, 16eg o Ebrill 2012 yng Nghaffe Cwtsh.