Caffe Cwtsh
Present / Presennol:
Edwyn Parry
Lisa Powell
Shurmer – Townscape Heritage Initiative MTCBC (RS) and
Gus Payne –
Arts Development MTCBC (GP),
Apologies / Ymddiheuriadau:
Jamie Bevan
Gavin Lewis
– Physical Regeneration MTCBC (GL),
Prosser – Town Centre Manager MTCBC (RP),
Dusgate – Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association/Old Town Hall
Strudwick – H4A/Head for Arts (KS)
Lis McLean
– Menter Iaith/Soar (LM).
Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion
No amendments
to be made.
RP and
JB’s actions from last meeting need to
be carried forward for next meeting:
RP: Contact
MTCBC Legal department to clarify what would need to be in place.
RP: Look at
other funding possibilities via Heritage Trust and Cadw.
Approach Roto-print to design a draft pop-up banner.
JB: Contact
Viv Pugh at the Dic Penderyn Society to see whether they would be able and/or
GP has
spoken to both RP and JB and some progress has been made in these action
areas. GP has also briefly spoken to Viv Pugh who was positive about the idea
of the Dic Penderyn Society being the recipient body to hold money raised for
the Merthyr Rising Memorial but he would need to consult with the group’s
committee before agreeing.
Current progress / Symudiad heddiw
GP: Council
has not yet approved the wider developments for the Castle Cinema
site/Penderyn Square. Approval will now be delayed until after the May
Council elections.
HW suggested
getting the WEA involved in some way. other people suggested to add to the
group were; Ceinwen Statter (Historical Society), Huw Lewis AM, Helen Hughes
(Stephens and George Charitable Trust) and the Local Authority’s Arts and Heritage
Champions after the elections (the current protfolio member for Arts is
included but not the Heritage Champion).
Action: GP to add Ceinwen Statter, Huw Lewis,
Helen Hughes and relavent portfolio members
Townscape Heritage Initiative project could fund the cost of flyers to give
out at events to raise awareness of the project.
LM popped
into the meeting for a brief moment to ask if the new Heritage Officer, Sion
ap Glyn could be added to the circulation list to attend future meetings. She
also highlighted the fact that Caffe Cwtsh closes at 3.30pm. Future meetings
will either need to be booked officially or take place during normal opening
hours, due to limited staffing resources at Soar.
Action: GP to add Sion to the email list
Additional funding / Arian pellach
GP: RP has
been looking at some possible additional funding options: RP to update at
next meeting.
Artwork / Celfwaith
GP brought
copies of the Artist brief for consideration. There were no major changes
requested at the meeting.
Action: GP to circulate the Artist’s Brief with
the next minutes for wider consideration before sending it out for
Expressions of Interest, in consultation with GL.
Date of next meeting: 5pm, 11th June 2012, Civic Centre.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf: 5yh, 11eg o Fehefin 2012, Canolfan
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