Merthyr Rising Memorial Meeting
Cyfarfod Cofeb Gwrthryfel Merthyr
Theatr Soar, Canolfan Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful
Present / Presennol:
Gus Payne, Jamie Bevan, Viv Pugh, Lisa Powell, Lis McLean, Michelle Powell, Russle Shurmer, Rhian Prosser, Anne-Marie Carpenter.
Appologies / Ymddiheuriadau:
Tony Rogers, Gavin Lewis, Edwyn Parry, Craig Pierce, Joe England.
Chair / Cadairydd: Jamie Bevan
Minutes from last meeting / Cofnodion diweddaraf:
Consultation: RP: Baker Associates have been appointed to consult on the Castle Cinema Site, which will include a public art element.
The consultation will take place on 29th and 30th September and 1st October at a Town Centre shop location to be confirmed.
Stake-holder sessions to be held at Soar, Friday 14th and 21st October, 9am-5pm.
Consultation will include online and more traditional processes.
RP will feed in the Merthyr Rising idea to the consultants.
The Merthyr Rising is particular to this site being the original location where the rising began.
Meeting attendance: Information on today’s meeting has been sent to the Arts, Culture and Media Forum, together with other email contacts. It was also announced in Contact magazine which is sent to every address in the borough.
In addition the press information used in Contact could be sent to the Merthyr Express as a press release and information could be put on the Town Centre website, with a page dedicated to the project (ACTION: RP)
Site building: As consultation has not yet begun, we are still unsure what will eventually be on the (Castle Cinema) site. There will however be a square type space included. Any artwork or building will need to be sympathetic and in keeping to the other buildings in the area (Old Town Hall, Hope Chapel, Library etc.)
Dic Penderyn: Even though the focus of the proposed public art would be as a generic memorial to the Merthyr Rising, the use of the name Dic Penderyn in the name was discussed:
GP has had email feedback from Joe England from the Heritage Forum who is in favour of the idea but also noted that Dic Penderyn, though a martyr was not a leader and actually played only a modest part in the uprising. JE suggested some form of text being part of the memorial to explain the roles of other leaders including Henry Richard, Keir Hardie and Morgan Williams who were prominent socialist leaders from Merthyr, significant on the world stage.
The group agreed that the others mentioned should have a role and be remembered in Merthyr but that the Castle Cinema site does have specific references to the Merthyr Rising.
A further role of this steering group could be to inform public art decisions in remembering people like Henry Richard, Keir Hardie, Morgan Williams and others in town centre developments currently being proposed and developed.
The Art-work / Celfwaith:
Should be a professional work, designed by a professional artist, with workshops designed to engage and inform the community about the subject matter and the role of public art, rather than the community designing the work.
Though the group do not want to restrict the artist at such an early stage, initial preference is for a sculptural object, as opposed to other forms of artistic intervention (e.g. paving stone designs).
Time scale was discussed: It was agreed that an art-work would best be installed around the same time as the building project, which has a 3 year deadline.
An artist should be appointed to work with the architects.
(ACTION: GP to update the brief according to feedback)
Workshops / Gweithdai:
RS: Some workshops could be funded through the THI (Townscape Heritage Initiative) training budget.
LM: Soar could also run some sessions.
MP: Town and Park Communities First have a Trevithick Trail group who could also be included in the workshop sessions
Target groups should be used but there will also need to be open sessions that can be advertised to the broader community to attend.
VP can help with workshop sessions, providing the relevant historical facts.
Exhibitions of community art-work around the themes of the project could be held, showing work by community members.
Workshop activities should include other art-forms working around the subject area (e.g. poetry and literature)
Field trips should also be included, taking groups to relevant public art sites with a session leader explaining the reasoning behind the art-work ideas.
Contacts / Cysylltau:
VP to contact the Cynon Valley Historical Society, who may also be interested.
Date of next meeting: Monday, 15th August, 5pm, Soar.
Dyddiad y cyfarfod nesaf: Dydd Llun, 11eg o Awst, 5pm, Soar.