Merthyr Rising Memorial Meeting
Theatr Soar, Canolfan Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful 6.06.11
6.00 pm
Gus Payne, Rhian Prosser, Edwyn Parry, Tony Rogers , Lisbeth McLean.
Gus explained the purpose of the meeting, to establish a group with the aim of erecting a memorial to comemorate the Merthyr Rising on the old Castle Cinema site.
Rhian explained that another building will be built on the site and that there is also an intention to erect some sort of public art there. Rhian said that a public consultation was planned to explore options and that the establishment of this group fits well with council plans.
Rhian asked the group to state exactly what they’d like to see at the site because the council are happy to listen to their suggestions. Rhian said that visitors (during the Heads of the Valleys National Eisteddfod) asked where the tribute to Dic Penderyn was in Merthyr.
It was noted that the community needs to be informed about the memorial to ensure community ‘buy in’.
Rhian suggested that Michelle Powell (Communities First Town ward) should be invited to the next meeting.
Rhian said that she has spoken to the Heritage Trust and that they are keen to see a tribute to Morgan Williams, the first Chartist leader rather than Dic Penderyn.
Lis said that she had mentioned the intention of setting up this group at the last Town Centre Partnership meeting and that there was no opposition to the idea. Lis also discussed the idea with Mark Taylor after the meeting and he confirmed that there is already some money put aside for such a scheme but couldn’t say how much was available.
Rhian confirmed that a budget is available and the the plan ties in well with the Public Art Strategy.
The group discussed what they would like to see the art look like. It was felt that it should symbolise the red flag, reflect the old traditional image but appeal to, and inspire people of all ages. It was noted that any such art should incorporate the Welsh language.
Rhian suggested that the group should contact Craig Pierce, Glamorgan GATES to discuss ideas. A discussion followed regarding whether the art should be community art or whether a professional artist should be commissioned. It was decided that the group should draw together a brief to be presented to professional artisits, it was suggested that artists should be asked to present a representation of the red flag.
It was asked when the art should be put up, Gus said that it should be made and kept until the building was finished.
It was decided that the opening of the memorial should be promoted and celebrated.
The following ideas were discussed:
· Art inlaid in the floor around the memorial.
· Author trail between College, Old Town Hall and Soar in the future.
· Performance space/speakers corner around the memorial.
· Rhian to report back to Gavin Lewis and think about artisits
· Group to draw up a brief for artists, co-ordinated by Gus
· Need to invite more people to next meeting
· Rhian to find out about budget
Rhian noted that the council would like the group to expand to incorporate other public art throughout the town centre.
Lis asked what is the likely timescale of this project. Rhian answered that the council are likely to have more of an idea of what’s happening with the new building in about 4-6 weeks time.
Date of next meeting: Monday 11 July , 6 pm at the Ganolfan Gymraeg.
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